June 22, 1994, the day we took an enthusiastic look at this site on which now stands BALBEN FAMILY COVE.
After several family visits to Lake Sebu, we did hope to have a place to stay we can call our own. But that seemed like a dream for no one can buy a parcel of land from an already declared Ancestral Domain. We however believe that dreams may come true. It is God's way of preparing His faithful to cope with success or failure, trials or adventure that makes life more meaningful and worth living. Indeed, time came for an offer to buy their land because of an ardent need. Without hesitation, we extended the help, bought the land at staggered payment with pooled resources.
The road was less traveled and so the courageous ones trail blazed. From then on, subsequent visits brought along a less expensive facelift. Paddled banca was the only means to transport goods, the moon and stars lighted the night sky and fireflies were friends nearby. At daytime, people came to slingshot birds for food. Eventually a 2 room bahay kubo was creatively put up for the pioneering couple: Isidro Charles whom we fondly call 'Nonoy' and wife Malyn with two other helpers, Larry and Bubong. Malyn did house to house visits to spread the news that birds too have the right to live. Already growing trees, indigenous medicinal and herbal plants were tended unharmed. Unhealthy plants were transplanted beside healthy ones and all grow and glow. Swiflets or mini swallows soon find their home at the front door header. Nonoy did much of the earthly jobs, its renovation and 10 years later, its engineering, architecture and gradual provision of facilities to accommodate more lodgers, visitors and most particularly created families down the bloodline, relatives, friends and associates eagerly wishing to enjoy nature's offer of bloom and beautiful scenery, cool refreshing breeze and calm water of the lake feasting in the freshwater fish 'tilapia' in its exquisite culinary arts.

Support from other siblings come in promotion and advocacy. Everyone resounded that the place be named after our beloved parents: Balbina and Benjamin.
At sweet 16 this 2010, Balben Family Cove delights in the Great Giver of Gifts with profound gratitude.
Sr. Germaine A. Suedad, OND